If you are interested in receiving a card reading or an energy reading combined with cards, I use the following decks:

  • The Wisdom of Trees Oracle by Jane Struthers, artwork by Meraylah Allwood
  • Oracle of the 7 Energies by Colette Baron-Reid, artwork by Jena DellaGrottaglia
  • The Divine Feminine Oracle by Meggan Watterson, artwork by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman
  • Moonology Manifestation Oracle Cards by Yasmin Boland, artwork by Lori Menna
  • Women’s bodies, women’s wisdom by Christiane Northrup M.D., artwork by Jenna DellaGrottaglia

Card readings are 45 minutes and you receive a pdf of the cards that were drawn. If you have a question or a situation you have an inquiry about it is possible to center the reading based on your inquiry.

I offer card readings by the pay what you want principle.